DarthMystic ★
Whelp. Bans for off-season are live and make no sense. @KabamPinwheel can you possibly look into how nefaria is on the expert blacklist when it wasn't possible for him to be banned at all this last season? I thought black list was for the two most banned champs?
That and the bans are wrong as expected. I need someone to explain to me how nefaria is blacklisted on expert when he couldn't be banned all season?
No one else thinks it's wrong? I guess we'll find out Wednesday.
My ticket got picked up today and fixed. My bug reports ones kept getting auto closed so I submitted one under a separate category that made its way through.
Same problem. They've auto closed both bug reports I made with the standard "check the forums for updates" response
Go figure. That's what I used and mine just got auto closed with no resolution.
Yeah. So not being able to pick from that selector is annoying. The screen constantly flashing is annoying. Not being able to open any selector in the game now? Beyond annoying. @KabamPinwheel
Ok. So this is why my screen is doing this. Incredibly annoying
Not alone.
I would say I've noticed lately using mantis that I can pretty much count on photon attacking me now instead of blocking which is annoying.
Does it really matter what's more common? The fact is the scenario I just described can and probably is going to happen. I have 7 star sig stones expiring in 7 days. It's not that unrealistic to believe some may have some they got above their limit 2 days before I did. It also doesn't account for just how this change does…
It's causing me to unnecessarily use items to claim the expiring ones as I've said numerous times in this thread that you are choosing not to read. I can't use 1 item to claim an expiring one. In your example I have to use 4 items to get to 9 to claim my one expiring item.
Let's use your example to show why it's a problem. If I have a 7* sig stones expiring today I can't just use one stone to be able to claim it. I have to use 26. That's an issue.
Nah. There really wasn't. I have boosts expiring this week that were on a timer sure. If I could use one boost and claim that boost great no big deal but I can't. I have to use 3 boosts to claim that one boost which throws resource management out of whack in week one of alliance wars.
The people saying 2 weeks and just dismissing people are missing the point. Why should we have to lose items or unnecessarily use items to get under our temporary cap in order to claim items expiring during this period? It's not as simple as use one item to claim an expiring item.
Right. It's going to expire because I haven't used it. The point being missed as others have pointed out is I don't have to only use one boost for an item to go from overflow to inventory; I have to use many now to get my number below the "new/temporarily lower" limit to claim the expiring resources. So yes, I'm losing…
That's because that icon isn't what you want. Filter by the champ tags in that error message. The only one you have that is the right tag is nefaria edit* and luke i think
And I'm proven wrong as it appears they sent out comp. Still frustrating when support just closes a ticket and sends you to the forums.
Par for the course and pretty unacceptable when real money changed hands.
Yeah. This is a pretty big oops
Huh? Angela sure but hype definitely doesn’t need high sig
Yeah. Definitely both. The nimrod one cost a death in war for a teammate of mine. The ham one almost killed me in war today.
They fixed the sandman one? I need to go check that. Titania still misses a hit on her sp1 on 60 fps. I just saw that one today so I know it's there.
Well then you're screwed. As I said the bug sucks and should be fixed. Just letting you know how to wake them up if it happens like that again.
Don't get me wrong. That sucks but try whiffing a light attack next time that happens. It unsticks them sometimes.
T1 he's actually on the white list so it's a pretty big impact since can't be banned.
This is the improvement actually worth doing.
I'm still curious to see how all the people who don't look at the forums are going to react to their war scores changing with zero in game communications about war 4 being canceled.
How's this going?
I realize it's day one and a ton of people are burned out from last bg season but I can't believe this isn't getting more attention. The vt nodes simply don't work right and the gc ones are overtuned. Good times ahead.