
  • I pulled Soarky, Red Hulk, Morningstar- awakened Mirningstar, Mordo, Loki- Awakened Loki, The Hood,and just pulled Mephisto and Hype. While I was still young (not an ancient one) I clearly remember pulling 5* colossus as my first 5*. Then I landed Ant-Man.. Followed by OG BP, Classic Spidey, Juggs.. I almost quit when my…
  • I duped my Ant-Man not long ago. Before that, I landed my third Iron Patriot. The best though, was duping my Iron Fist. My last basic.. She-Hulk baby, Yea! You wouldn’t like her when she’s angry! I don’t like her period! And yes she does bleed, even if it is once a week, wish she were off My roster, prolly gonna dupe her…
  • Be prepared, Long story, good read, with a very good idea to improve gameplay. @Jestress Thanks for sharing, I needed some of that too, good stuff! Made me think about time and space being relative to one another, Them you mentioned the the theory of time and space becoming a loop, aka the Morpheus Effect. What if Thanos…
  • A good option is to use your heavy hitters up front (Hype, Medusa, etc. Just get em to roughly 40% health) Enter: AA - Parry- Mid Atk & Rinse, wash, repeat- until he’s bleeding out his eyes and has neurotoxins oozing out his ears. He will become stunned as his brain melts. Finish Him. Loki actually works fairly well- sp3…
  • Hold up, hey. Everybody thats thinking this false.. I have to say, I got this lil bonus box n want what it say that I bought. Please don’t PLAY, cause it says “BONUS BOX” Look. I was all rocking the dice, I wanted to see what Lady Luck was like, then I landed a Hela, awakened her n was cooler than Ice. Saw the bonus box n…
  • If you had asked that same question last week, I would have said Sparky all day. I ranked my 4* Blade just for the synergy. However, I decided to use my 5* shards and get a basic crystal, thinking I might dupe one of my champs or just get another worthy one (always hope so) And I managed to land... The Bestest, Most Fun,…