Looking for 2 now. Had a couple guys retire. We’re at10.2k prestige. Still top 1200
It’s been a couple months since I’ve needed to recruit. We’re now at 10.1k+ - scoring 267 million. Looking for 2 now.
Looking for (3) three. Use the interview chat link. https://line.me/R/ti/g/-jP-Os8RU6
Update - Looking for 1 right now
Update - we’ve filled up, but I have a couple of recent adds to replace.
*UPDATE* looking for just 2
Only 4 spaces left.
Update, looking for just 4 now. Running all 3 BG’s now.
Update looking for about 5 more
*Updated* a few spaces left.
I’ve got a spot for all of you. We’re running 5x5. Just recently restructured (we were running mix of 6/5) hitting over 300 mil / now aiming for 250 - save on donations. HMU on line: lineid: Davethesaurus
Prestige/rating requirements?
Line: davethesaurus IGN: Dangerous Dave
I just sent you a message on line. Look forward to talking with you
Add me in game name “dangerous Dave”. We’re all adult and active. Donations not an issue . Running 55333 / AW gold
Join us. AQ 55333 aq gold2 Line Ingame name “dangerous Dave”. LineID “davethesaurus “
We are UK based - gold 2 - AW 55333 ingame “Dangerous Dave” or LineID davethesaurus
We do 55333 - currently AQ Gold add me on Line davethesaurus