Ddr7822 ★
Pretty happy, also opened 4 titans. From the titans (pulled BE 2x so he's sig 40 lol) And lastly pulled mutant r3 (hi onslaught)
Yes several times. Weird that some Valiants see it and others don't.
I already have. The only other difference is I'm on Android while my friend is on IOS. I highly doubt Kabam chose to make a daily offer at the exclusion of Valiants.
Not showing up for my valiant account but a friend sees it on their paragon account
Thanks that worked
Seeing this too, android s21 ultra
Understood but visually in game it still shows 1 gold hence its a bug
Same here, also on android
Same here, can't see the offer.
My head says Herc but my heart says Hype. Hoping I pull Herc from another featured but out of shards.
Thats what I'm trying to do but no luck yet.
Clearly you haven't noticed the unit deals lately from 4th and cyber monday.. 100% my account and I enjoy not rushing through content
I should've added that I have enough resources to r3 any of these (and likely all of them)
I'm in a very casual alliance that does map 4 or less. Just want to make sure whatever I awaken is useful for a variety of content.
284 got 986
Haha 284 got me rank 986
First pull....Karnak :#
Thanks! I do have a generic awakening gem I could use on AA and some signs. Was hoping to save it for NF or Argon but haven't had luck with getting them.