
  • Been working my ass off in this game fi4 at least four years now and spent hundreds on it. I’m a proud level 60 but only just this last Christmas got my first six star. Four years of hard work and only just got a six and that was only because of gifting crystals. I work hard on this game an$ I’m a really decent fighter but…
  • Thanks for killing the area as for me and showing me and die showing me that as a mid or low level player I don’t matter at all. I used to go for what I called the “low” hanging fruit” premium shards and got for the new three stars when changed things. Now I had to work two-three times harder for even the smallest amounts…
  • Ps. If my comment is riddled with mistakes ,this white box and tiny letters is horrible to see.
  • What about all of us who aren’t throne breaker or caliber ? What about all us poor smucks who have been playing almost four years now,Four F’ing years! FOURS YEARS ! And have worked their asses off and spend hundreada of dollars and have only three F’ing six stars to show for it and one of those is freaking cyclops .…