Deeeez ★
Good luck sir!
Guilly 2099 with Nebula synergy worked just fine. Squashed Sasquatch with Magik when he crashed the party. Good luck!
LOL, the bitterness is strong in these ones. Argue not over virtual items, but rather concerned be about what matters it isn't.
I, for one, will enjoy selling off all but my 5* champs and maxed 4* r5s on my alternate account later this evening....that's my "gift" to myself. Finally breaking the MCOC chain affixed to my ankle. Their in-game message contradicts itself as a previous poster indicated (they will bring it back for special events??).…
Pulled a 4* SW earlier they do exist (albiet Good luck! Deeeez
IMIW here on one account. Pinche IM on the other.
DIVA1. Come join the fun!
I've noticed the amount of dust I've collected diminishes over time....I was sooo close to a 5* crystal, played the dungeons to get the difference only to discover that my total decreased after I concluded the dungeons. What's up with that?
Contact me on Line: deeezzz, thanks.
Good I've been asking myself more and more lately.
4* Doctor Strange.....haven't seen that dude even in a PHC as a floating face going by.
4* DS, Drax....just pulled Hulk from a PHC two days ago.
Somebody is butthurt that they can't pull anything good....from a RANDOM crystal with crappy drop rates. LOL. And I pulled a 4* Hulk from one just yesterday........
Yes, the game is a mess at the moment.'s been many moments now. There will be no response nor compensation, so it's up to each of us individually to make a point of not paying for anything moving forward until the multiple bugs/issues are addressed and fixed.
I got one the other day, have yet to open it. No one else in that alliance has pulled one to the best of my knowledge.
Found one, thanks all!
Thanks all...reviewing some possibilities and hope to make a decision soon. Much appreciated!