Defender_dawn2 ★
I always knew that bootleg marvel realm of champions was gonna fail This game has made a dedicated playerbase and for a mobile game the fighting mechanics are too good And as long as marvel ip is thriving this game will keep in going
I was talking about ranking 6* champs Ranking up them to rank 3 takes a lot of t4b and t4cc
They won't bring back all these items Kabam should understand why create problem when it never existed in the first place
Bro if you think this game is greedy wait till you play gacha games
"Don't f#*k with this senator"
Now give me a 7* selector with doom herc cgr and onslaught /s
I'm not well versed in reading morse codes I couldn't decipher what you were trying to say
Congrats man I have been following your post for a lot of time I you need any help just ask I'll be more then happy to help you
Yes can't wait
Bruh it's most useless shop Why can't they leave things as they are those lower tier items were pretty useful as those 5* shards gave isos
I remember getting absolutely furious when namor got nerfed Ranted a lot on forums without knowing rules and got banned lol
I you are cavalier or above Use cozysmcocwelcome all in small letters you'll get a 6* nexus and 5x5 star relics
Groot obviously
Grass toucher
Mentally unstable Superman ripoff to be more specific
I'll tell you something Suppose I don't have a single version of my favourite characters like doom or onslaught If I were to pull a 5* version wouldn't those resources of bg store would come to help Not everyone is lucky enough to pull a 6* star of their desired characters
You'll get your update WHEN YOU FIX THE DAMN DOOR!!
Thanks a lot bro I entered the code and it worked
How dare you accuse me!! I can clearly read And his name is sherlock alright I therefore banish all your baseless accusations
No just all of your champs would be replaced with groots In all seriousness nothing will happen chill
Good luck for rest of the year I bless you with iron patriots in your every crystal opening
Oh thanks not until today I realised why I wasn't able to read Thanks sherlock
Oh I didn't know that Ig he helped people in defeating malenia right?
Yes But the guy above me already said this has been discussed so many times, so I changed it to something else because we don't have enough captain America characters
Oh is that so I didn't knew lol
I picked titania over photon in abyss nexus Did I do the right thing?
I also got a 6* generic ag also with 200 stones from the deal so on whom should I use it??
If you haven't used any of your items you can send a ticket to kabam about this It's mostly reversible
I finished act 7 So do I need to complete act 8 and explore it
I didn't even touch act 8