Devilkt ★
Hey we do Map 6 all day BG only 70k and G1 Do ping me on line line I’d :- kritesht Do let me know if interested
Connect me in line : kritesht
DDdsq check out our alliance AQ - 3BG map5 AW - 3BG during season (G1) BG - 100k minimum kritesht - lineid
DDdsq check out our alliance AQ - 3BG map5 AW - 3BG during season (G1) BG - 100k minimum kritesht - lineid
DDdsq check out our alliance AQ - 3BG map5 AW - 3BG during season (G1) BG - 100k minimum kritesht - lineid
AQ and War Season Mandatory , Line needed , BG we need you to help alliance but no pressure ! Hit up lineid kritesht
Line Id: kritesht :expressionless:
Thanks for the approach but frankly speaking I can't do AQ much but I can do good in war .. if you are ok with that then I will ping :smile:
Same here been trying since morning