Dfs01 ★
Add me Sterling_Archer.
Done 3 so far. 2 x 100 6* shards and 4500k T5. Might save up for chronometer. At least then might get something I need.
I'm in same boat as yourself don't even bother with R3 4*. And it would be a waste to max 4* just for arena. I just do little and often, that's usually enough to get to about 1.6 mill just for the shards, but if not, rewards usually ok when over a mill. Also grind 5* just to 1 mill also for shards. But that's a doddle at…
Still haven't got a Ghost rider above 3*. Know he's not top anymore, but would still like one.
I've had a few good 5* Corvus and IMIW probably the best. But most are rubbish. On the bright side, I've not many more rubbish teir ones to collect. Can only improve from there lol
I'm on 30 and no dupes, was just searching if anyone with worse luck. Someone on 31. Don't make us feel much better.😁