Diego000 ★
Today I opened a crystal and I got dormammu repeated, it was supposed to ascend his signature ability. It said there that his signature ability was increased but when I used the character there was no upgrade on him
I know there are many amazing mutants but come on Marvel has a lot of x men characters. • Mystique • Forge • Warpath •Thunderbird • Sunfire or Pyro • Spyke • Azazel • Angel (normal) • Quicsilver • Blob or avalanche 👍👍👍
He doesn't need anything just more damage and his signature ability need to be used like they describe it in the description "he uses his gas pym to reduce his sight" for example spiderman and nightcrawler use aracnid sense and neyaphem to avoid attacks and ant man should use gas pym to avoid attacks :smile:
Sabretooth,Blade and quicksilver. They're kind of cool :smile:
Colossus-he is ok with his moves I like the three of them but he need more abilities.sturdiness is a good ability for him but he needs more like indestructible or two or three more abilities that match with his character because he look simple really simple. every character has at least there abilities and he has only one…
Sabretooth... just it let your imagination create this awesome character