Djneylin ★
I have sold some accounts from another games
What are u doing here?
I'm going to stop spending money and I'll be trying to relax my life
I had to sell it while I didn't know about this, some people asked me about it
I didn't know that. I knew that after Kurt video on YouTube
Don't like that my account doesn't have any value after spending 7 years and a lot of money
My account is bigger than your ronswanson and I have spend more than a car
If I want to give it to my son what happens?
Our account has no value, since the value of the account depends on what someone else can pay for it or what you can leave of it to a new generation. Before, I thought that this was not the case, but when I saw what happened with the youtuber Kurt, I realized that the account cannot be sold or given to another person:…
Nuestra cuenta no tiene valor alguno, ya que el valor de la cuenta depende de lo que alguien más pueda pagar por ella o lo que puedas dejar de ella a una nueva generación. Antes pensaba que esto no era así, pero al ver lo que pasó con el youtuber Kurt me he dado cuenta que la cuenta no se puede vender ni regalarla a otra…
I'm not interested in them putting their characters in the game, but I don't agree with what they want to show with this image at the beginning of the game. This is a game of battle not of affection, there are several couples between the superheroes and I have never seen one of these couples holding hands or something like…
A mi no me interesa que pongan sus personajes cuáles sean en el juego pero no estoy de acuerdo con lo que quieren mostrar con esta imagen de inicio del juego. Esto es un juego de batalla no de afecto, hay varias parejas entre los superhéroes y nunca había visto una de estas parejas agarrados de las manos o algo así. Creo…
They are 150 for a quest 8 (5 days) Gold 7628x150= 1,144,200 Arena Medals 700x150= 105,000 Units 3x150= 450 Badges 550x150= 82,500 These resources are not produced by the quest and you have to spend a lot of time to get them on a weekly basis. For example: Per week the maximum limit of loyalty that can be achieved is…
Son 150 para una gesta 8 (5dias) Oro 7628x150= 1,144,200 Medallas de arena 700x150= 105,000 Runas 3x150= 450 Insignias de alianza 550x150= 82,500 Estos recursos no los produce la gesta y hay que dedicarse bastante a conseguirlos semanalmente. Por ejemplo: A la semana el límite máximo de insignias que se puede conseguir es…