Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • I wanted to echo your thoughts. I really want to be optimistic but I can’t. The biggest issue with this is the blind reliance on (sometimes clearly faulty) data. Kabam is correct that the impact for these 2 wasn’t that big of a deal but the issue is a failure to understand why. Very few people liked using Cull because he…
  • Can we change the title to “Big Spender” or “Super Lucky” so it actually reflects what it is? Guys, Mike even said people should be happy the threshold is as low as it is because it was originally targeted for people with “teams” of R3 6 stars. The only people with teams of r3 are mega whales. Die hard FTP still have to be…
  • Trying to fix the matchmaking appears to be the only positive. The new nodes look terrible. It's almost as if nothing has been learned. Example: Community: All these reduce damage by 90% nodes unless you meet some crazy specific criteria are terrible in act 6 Kabam: We hear you. Kabam: Here's 90% reduced damage nodes in…
  • People focusing on Doom are fixated on the newest shiny object. To be clear, Doom is spectacular (and great for end game content), however, for where you in are in the game Corvus will be more relevant for you and will also be relevant for end game content. Furthermore, your current progress placement in the game makes…
  • I can’t collect any of mine either.
  • Picture attached for proof. Just reran the fight with ghost and verified zero critical failures with her. 100% bugged with Sparky. Once again, bugs costing us items.
  • Thank you!! Please keep us updated. This issue absolutely wrecked my units and items.
  • My ticket asked for more details. I’ll keep you posted but more recognition in this thread from everyone would be beneficial. Thanks guys
  • I’ve got about 7 minutes of video as well but yours demonstrates this perfectly. I also put in a support ticket so it sounds like we’re on the same page. I was about 1500 units deep before I decided it was virtually impossible. Mods? This is obviously a massive deal. Details: For the final 10% of the Champion’s fight in…
  • At 10% with red icon. Just a couple frames later, above 10% health, red icon gone, dexes don’t count. Seriously, I want compensation for this
  • *Tried attaching screenshots but ironically doesn’t work well on the mobile interface. Will attach later from a PC
  • It’s not as if “if you don’t like it, don’t play” is constructive feedback. I agree that insults aren’t constructive but telling someone to not care when a game they’ve spent money on and played for 3 years turns into a ridiculous bug-filled grind with an increasing commitment and regressing rewards is completely asinine.…
  • I honestly believe this IS constructive feedback. I hear you. Trust me, a lot of people get it. This is the highest timesink we’ve seen in years with rewards which seem to be geared towards the state of the game in 2016. We went from a 5* awakening and tons of shards to paltry shards a 1/1000 chance in a month’s…
  • Everybody is totally missing the point. If you know what’s coming in the next feature, you can plan for it. The more you can plan, the more informed decisions you can make and the less impulse buying you have to do. Obviously anything that helps the player and could impede them spending needs to be squashed. It really is…
  • I realize this will likely get drowned out in the ranting but I’ll toss it out there anyway. I think when the furor died down over diversity the larger and worse point got missed. Kabam doesn’t think people should complete war maps. They claim that’s not fun. The obvious inference is that failure and iteming out, is fun.…
  • You guys clearly don’t know your own game. I honestly want to know, do any of you play above Gold? Maybe in lower tiers 100% shouldn’t be the norm but you aren’t really altering their maps...except to make them easier. You know for a fact everyone from master to plat 2 or plat 3 will have to 100% to compete. Had us rank up…
  • Please fix this. I saw another thread on this a while back and it’s still “being investigated”. This is a fairly major issue. He’s cheap enough without adding bugs to give him more buffs. For what it’s worth, also can confirm. Autoblock triggers parry.
  • So roughly speaking the odds of getting the featured you want have dropped from 20-25% to 4.17%...or roughly 1/6 of the chance to get the feature you wanted. It’s not a coincidence you put 6 features in the crystal. The odds aren’t better to pull a feature, they’re the same, it’s just the odds are MUCH worse to pull a…