
  • My In-Game ID: DrCran9
  • Looks like there is a 1hr delay before the claimable item becomes unlocked. Perhaps this was affected by the Daylight savings change recently. 🤔 I don't recall having this issue during the last double track event, that took place before the time changes...only speculation, but I'm sure I can't be the only one who has…
  • Facing difficult rosters, and/or losing to players better than me is fine. Happy to participate...currently I'm TB and D2 in season 8. Best I've ever done is D1. Getting snubbed because of BG server lag and latency issues, losing progression potential and spending resources like elders marks just makes me sick. Hard to win…
  • So I've been dealing with this server lag issue and RNG problem for a couple days now. Today I entered another BG and came accross a similar match up that had previously slaughtered me. My 5* R5 Sig 30 BWDO vs 6* R2/3 QS Unduped. In the **** RNG lag fight, I lost badly In the fight that played out A-typical with my same…
  • I appreciate the feedback, what about an option to spend the candy on route seletion tokens (even at a very high cost) would be an incentive to make certain choices in the game. Like spend 200K candy for route token instead of grabbing catalysts or gold. I know there are always pros / cons in each scenario, but that's why…