DrDavid69 ★
This sounds so AI written, lol.
I mean it's not even out yet. You never know how paper translates to actual gameplay.
Gladiator too! Just lost a fight because of this.
Perhaps give us a video? It's hard to determine whether or not you are punishing his special without actually seeing it.
Attuma is quite good as a defender in BG.
I tried restarting my game, that didn't fix it.
The link is a video of the bug.
glad everyone is having this issue as well, not sure if this is intended.
If we were to save the favors for one specific day can we do the same difficulty multiple times and still get rewards? As in since there is 2 paths per quests, once we finish the two in one difficulty, could we go back in the same difficulty and still get rewards?
Thank you for all of the messages. I have found an alliance, consider this alliance search closed.
any openings left?
SO I got on at exactly 1 and did the mission for Intel. I did the room and got the normal 258 Intel. I got off and saw that MCOC had an update, so i updated. I went back in to see that the Intel was reskined and gone! What happened? Am I getting my Intel back?