DrZola ★★★★★
@"ThēMandalorian" Sign any way you want or not at all. I like the personal touch and explicit indicia of ownership of a Summoner’s posts. Dr. Zola
So…you also disagree with my estimate of how many units I spent and SBCs I opened? 🤔 Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
The cowardly anonymous disagree on my post above…seriously? Dr. Zola
Total units were 4500 I already had. But that doesn’t include SBCs bought with tokens or buying the bundles. Probably opened ~100 SBCs overall. Dr. Zola
Yes, but also better for family relations and truer to the meaning of the season by far to only be popping in 1-2 times a day to see whether the Realm has picked up the slack or not. 😉 Dr. Zola
Paging the Stark Foundation…? Dr. Zola
What is the treatment of old Sigil tokens under the new Sigil? Dr. Zola
On the odd chance comments outside this thread aren’t somehow digested, here are my several pieces of constructive criticism, scattered in the various threads. https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/2699112#Comment_2699112…
I have a Sentinel and a CWBP. Both seem better, but other than Medusa (who really wants the dupe), I’m struggling for a roster spot for any of the GGs. Dr. Zola
Suggestion: communicate this principle early and often to the players. I cannot stress enough how saying something in a stream somewhere sometime may constitute *notice* but doesn’t rise to the level of full dissemination. Would you still get complaints? Always. But if this idea had been mentioned often across several…
I fail to see how slightly shifting the drop rates of T6c/T5c to something else would widen the gap much. I realize the team probably feels like copious amounts of champ acquisition materials are in the milestones, but that doesn’t change the fact that (a) you need to pop crystals to get the milestones and (b) crystals are…
Save your units. No champ is worth 9K units. Dr. Zola
Great luck. I’m envious! Dr. Zola
Going out on a limb here and guessing some T6c to go with all my T6c? Or maybe 1260 T7b frags? Dr. Zola
This is correct, but only whales are getting any significant chunk of their T7b from the SBCs. Ranking as an ally and solo are where the larger fragments are at. If the 5% drop rate for T7b from SBCs holds true, a whale would need to open 2000 SBCs to reasonably expect to form a single T7b and 6000 SBCs to get a full set…
Another constructive comment: there’s really not a good reason in my opinion for the T7b, especially at 5% chance in super small amounts. I’ve pulled it 3X, which was exciting until I realized this is the amount I need to form one. I need three for a R4–something I really don’t need and didn’t expect to get close to from…
Constructive feedback: too much weight on T6c. I realize it’s hard to get the right balance, but for the cost this much emphasis on this one resource is way off. Dr. Zola
Credit: @Cat_Murdock Dr. Zola
I would expect a drop off after today. Lots of cats, not much else. Very useful, but not the same excitement as new champs or rarer items. Things like T7b feel very…remote. Dr. Zola Edit: I would add that 7* sig stones locked to GG champs that are hard to acquire and even harder to dupe feel just as remote.
I’m guessing a good lawyer would probably tell the dev team to stick to coding and bugs and let in-game text and offer phrasing be reviewed by people who do that for a living before it gets published to the game. Dr. Zola
There is a cash for in game item transaction that occurs before tickets are exchanged for Banquet crystals. As I noted above, I can see arguments for both sides, but to dismiss out of hand the notion that certain Banquet crystals aren’t paid for when players use real world currency to buy the means to obtain them feels…
Currently 23 with materials for five more. There are plenty of folks with well more than that. Dr. Zola
That may be true. But I think the lesson learned is that the game team doesn’t value spend over time (e.g., buying Daily Specials over 3+ months) versus spend all at once (e.g., Banquet). To accrue, for example, 50 Banquet tokens, a Summoner would likely spend between ~$2000-2500 (assuming some tokens were acquired via…
I like the color. Dr. Zola
@Pikolu they could have also rewarded some measure of additional points for token-acquired crystals without punishing everyone by raising milestones. Not trying to be contrary—but I don’t believe this is as clear-cut a case as others do, and I’d like to think the game team isn’t in the business of punishing Summoners,…
To me, it seems like it could go either way. In order to get a single token (assuming you aren’t using *free tickets*), you would have typically spent ~$49.99 per Banquet Crystal token. Granted, you got a lot of other stuff for that spend as well, but a significant motivator for folks who purchased Daily specials (for real…
He’s quite the beefy lad at R3. Dr. Zola
First Hood dupe plus two I wanted badly. Dr. Zola
What’s up with the white box reappearing? Dr. Zola