Drakon56 ★
Yeah, Afrid is right. GP reduces defensive ability accuracy alone. Only abilities that proc when she hits the opponent, not when the opponent activates it themselves. Magik's limbo is both offensive and defensive, so Gp can stop the defensive part, that is when magik goes over a bar of power, but not when magik activates…
best idea I've got is to use hyperion, on RTL and just use sp1 without doing a combo. depending on your hyperion's level, you can choose which chapter you want to do. the opponent shouldn't die during the sp1 itself, but to the incinerate. thats only if you decide to prioritize this solo over other things like the event…
2/7 first try ever was for mordo, got red mags 2nd try was for dormammu, got dormammu 3rd try was for gwenpool, got gwenpool 4th and 5th try were for 2nd round dormammu, to try and dupe him, got MK and VP instead 6th try was for iceman, got black panther instead 7th try was for stark spidey, got a stupid colossus. I've…
thing is, even if I do get a 5* hulk, I'll never 4/55 him. Already have a duped gwenpool, and 60k shards in hope for sparky. havent done LOL yet. and I already have a sig 80 5/50 Hulk, which is almost the same as a 3/45, meaning it's still useless. I had some hope for gladiator Hulk, but that idea is now down in the dust.
I 100% explored act 5.3 just yesterday. Felt so good. .....Until I pulled a science 5* Awakening gem.
you know... If you want to win with skill, why don't you practice evading Strange's Sp2 fully? It's definitely possible, you just need the timing right. With your tone, I can see you don't like people suggesting different champs to use. So there you go. you CAN beat Strange with skill, with even a Kamala khan, as long as…
Angela is the best champ to use with suicides. You're forgetting her regen. It's just barely enough to cover for both suicides and recoil. She can run suicides all day long, spamming all her specials and she'll still have all her hp
It's already well known that 100% diversity beats the zero defender strategy. In this case, I'm really happy if it means the zero defender strategy doesn't work. But the math only works if you have 100% diversity. ( I'm in a 8.8 million alliance, so it doesn't matter to me, personally) But lower tier alliances who do not…
oh oh, yeah, my bad. meant diversity.
same here! I'm locked out because of this freaking thing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_4gOmm3cZ4&t= You started a post saying this is why Hyp needs a nerf. Here's a video I made, showing why Hyp doesn't need a nerf
this can easily be abused at higher levels when a person literally has all the champs. whenever he opens a 4* crystal when a character is added to the premium, bam, he gets the new champ.
yes please! I've 100% explored till 5.2.5. I'm putting off attempting the collector quest till I amass a ton of pots from ROL, so knowing I still have time to get the title will help me a ton.
Here are my ideas. I made a post about this same thing less than 2 or so weeks ago. MD is the best one, no comments there. Collar Tech is pretty cool, maybe just bump up the power inhibition to idk, 25%? Pure skill used to be great, just need to bring it back to the way it was. Kabam miike essentially said that r3 was…
You can beat Hyperion without power drainers as long as you're good at baiting. Check out this video. I use a 2* SL against a duel Hyperion. https://youtu.be/T_4gOmm3cZ4
Woah woah. Don't awaken CB! He's already at max offensive potential unduped. His sig ability adds nothing to his use. Awaken Hyperion. He gets up to 50% increased buff duration, which affects his fury, power gain, and regen. And if you do, then you can take him to r4. Both of them are worth r4. Which one to do first is…
Depends on what you need actually. Do you have an accuracy reducer? Like Elektra, or BW already? Do you need Hyp for your questing team or awd? Are either of them duped? (Neither of them needs to be, but duping them makes them better)
Well... Class advantage plays a very important role in the game and I can't see why they would change that. But I agree, the advantage that mystic has over cosmic is WAY more powerful than the other classes advantages. That is partially why I suggested permanent buffs, since they don't trigger MD unless they are nullified.
Between voodoo and GR, the choice is very tough. It all comes down to your style of play. Voodoo is a much more powerful offensive champ and has way better power control. GR doesn't hit very hard without his sig ability, and is more complicated and difficult to master. But, he has a way better regen mechanic which can be…
parry stun time increases with perfect block chance. You can read that in the mastery description.
Not just X23, they did it again for kamala khan, and everyone bashed on it, saying that because there weren't any rewards, it was a useless piece of content.
That's the thing! Thunderquack has a 50% chance to trigger, and even then, it can be stopped by stunning Howard.
I'd narrow those down to CB and DD. Same reasons as you said before. However, You might want to consider saving for Gwenpool, because she's another amazing champ. Her 5* featured crystal and 4* basic arena are coming soon. In my roster, I have a 5/50 sig 45 CB, and a 5* 3/45 sig 10 Gwenpool. Absolutely love em both, over…
Username: Drakon56 Favourite Character: Hulk Most Wanted Character: Gladiator Hulk
wow, LOL with a 5* Dormammu? That's awesome dude! Once I dupe mine this june, I might try.
I actually like the idea behind that. whenever he bleeds, his gamma radiation leaks out, causing gamma poisoning. Doesn't need to contact him to apply. It might be like a cloud of poison gas or something. I love it when things get logical in games. like daredevil ignoring the Hood's invisibility because of his blindness.…
How about we come up with some ideas? MD is the best one, no comments there. Collar Tech is pretty cool, maybe just bump up the power inhibition to idk, 25%? Pure skill used to be great, just need to bring it back to the way it was. Mutagenesis is a joke. How about making it so that special damage is increased instead?…