Duff31 ★
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IOS 14.4 iPhone 11
IOS 14.4 iPhone 11
WS in realm, book 2 chap1, it’s actually working in arena and appears to be fixed there though. He’s fixed in arena try him in quests.
WS in realm, book 2 chap1, it’s actually working in arena and appears to be fixed there though.
WS in realm
Your missing the point his spore dmg is not ticking as it should when death field is up whether he has 1 or 30 it cause dmg per tick. The bug as we’ve mentioned is not causing dmg until 10. He’s never worked that way his dmg over would work whether he has 4 ticks or 24.
Unfortunately still appears to be bugged. I’ve updated included loading screen to verify and did a quick fight with WS. His spore dmg does not kick in until 10. No suicides.
Z thanks for the update super helpful much appreciated.
So I went into Act 6.2.3 to see if it affected the OR boss there and the bug does. I can avoid his spore dmg entirely by keeping his spores below 10. So it appears it’s affecting both OR offensively and when he’s placed as a defender.