Equints ★
Got 150k relics and a namor dupe 😔
Make sure if your running out of revives to do some arena, can always get some reliable extra units from there ☺️
Honestly this is why I don't medium intercept anymore. Lights intercepts are 100% safer.
Honestly his kit isnt really reliant on ai like you said, and its more dimple than you think. If you have him awakened, youll want high sig for instant armor break/shatter. The rotation for max sig for short fights would be combo into heavy, build to 20 charges and throw sp1, then build up to sp2 with 30 charges. For…
Right, forgot about that, thanks!
I find it pretty cool how they made the face a 3d model while also making it look like a 2d computer screen.
Juggs can get some easy 50k point match ups at high rank, overseer is severly underated, once you get to poison phase w him its a ko if you stay under 2 bars of power and have a striker. You can stunlock anyone for 40 sec fight, and he may be the best enchantress counter for this meta, got multipule solos r3 vs r3.
I would say it is because you also get those extra extended timers on pauses, buffs, and debuffs.
Thanos is good for a solo on guardian and sam, she hulk is great for a dragon man, guardian, and cap infinity war solo, guillotine is great for solo on nova, and for valkyrie you can use either vision or guillotine, me personally i went guillotine.
Most likely tech
I would say go with photon, encahntress is mostly rng and champs like overseer can destroy her easily. Photon is good due to how she cant be countered as easily in most metas, and serpents got a lot of counters now, especially spiral.
Thats 2/4 no? Thing and prowler are meta
Feel like 300 will be ares since he was recently teased
They annouced it a week ago. The 17th
They posted about this a week ago. Theyre are going to fix it on the 17th
Who was the r3 then?
I strongly agree with this 🙌
Agreed 5k surpisingly isnt that much, for example i missed out on the deathless king groot piece from sos by one point, but after a 3 week grind i had accumulated 5k units.
I agree with your statement on how the exclusivity within the contest currently stands. Although, they did make the point at the beginning of this that not everyone would be able to do this, whether its rosters or coming late to the chase. So whether or not they made the choice to quit the game beforehand or decided not to…
There was definitley hard work, especially from my pov. I progressed from cavalier to valiant with this chase, completed necro with a 5 star aegon, reached gladiator circuit with a very underdeveloped roster along with all the wow, sos, etc. It takes hours apon hours to complete all of this stuff so its only fair that the…
I feel that this is fair because it was time limited content that was very hard. This also allows the people who were present during the time to enjoy the outcome of their efforts. Plus there will be more opportunities later on.
This is most likely due to how dominos ability accuracy reduction isnt based off a debuff but instead determined at the start of the match and may be activated faster than shuris inability to have her ability accuracy activated.
The pieces can be easilly obtained through a good amount of grinding in areana so its not really paywalled if you put in effort. Plus the reason its like this is to make sure the people who worked hard to make it to the point of deathless thanos are rewarded for their efforts. They did say something about there being…
I agree with this. Soloed almost every fight with those three.
I feel that he is a great double edge sword on both defence and on offence
Honestly, the team makes it so easy, soloed the entire first path and every other fight except valkyrie
Because valkyries the only hard fight, everything else on that paths easy