Esjy ★
I've found him great, not seen as much usage recently though, and honestly im holding out hope of pulling chavez as she plays similar to silk who I love to fight with. Kushala, destroyer, shathra or a dream of Spiral as they would immediately go to rank 2 and then 3 when I have the t6b and t3a. But atm I'm eyeing Wiccan to…
I just took Prowler to rank 3; he has replaced my fant as my pfp. I tried him and Shuri in RoL, and Prowler felt way nicer to use, I don't have Sentinel duped, so I didn't want to take him. I really like Prowler and have been wanting to use him. Thank you everyone for your responses, anyone have anything to add to my rank…
Ah a connseisour I see. I agree with all of it honestly, shes been fantastic. Only issue is I only have 1 thor relic, a 3 star and its on my r4 ascended cgr, hopefully I'll get another soonish. Interesting on her sig ability and the regen. Shes only naturally sigged from dupe but ill keep her in mind.
Yeah I think that's the route I'm going to go honestly, I've tried Shuri a little more and shes got great damage, I'm gonna look into how to use them both properly and see from there. Thanks, I might r2 wiccan hust to make my mystic class a bit stronger honestly
Oh that's very good news that she stays relevant. I've loved her in BGs she is such a nuke and glancing makes defending great. Haven't thought to use her against bullseye, thanks for that. I just chose Domino over Negasonic despite the bullseye counter, I did really want her tho, domino was just too good to pass up. I…
Out of my cosmics she is my favourite, her glancing and furies are amazing. I'm guessing you have her; where has she done best for you?
He seems really fun and I was praying for a 7* dupe so I could rank him. I'm leaning towards him as my r3 and keeping shuri at r2
I've loved having Sersi on the team; her simple rotation and massive fury damage have been great. Guilly2099, I haven't been convinced of yet, and I'll need to try buffed Sentinel, too; I've fought one recently, and it was such a boring fight. Gorr was my first 6* as well and I left him behind fast I don't like how he…
Yeah, that's the main reason its in question between shuri and prowler as he is awakened but I don't have resources to take him to even sig 50. But he is really appealing to learn, as I've found him nicer to play than shuri, but idk how to play either properly yet as they're recent additions and not been path relevant yet.…
I am leaning towards him as falter is one of my least favourite things and I managed to dupe him immediately, same with the 6* he's natural Sig 80 now, I've pulled prowler 6* and 7* seven times now lol. I just know shuri is really popular and is often rank 3'd unduped, do you have much of an opinion on who you prefer?
I do have a Kitty actually, but I'm not a great mechanical player tbh and I never ranked Ghost for the same reason, she is also unawakened. But as she is so good and defo not gonna be a 7* ill keep her in mind for exploration, thanks again.
Wish I had a Juggs tbh he seems my style of play. Simple and W-key lol. I've not planned to rank for it specifically but its good to know I don't need to, I haven't for any boss so far actually, I just like vox as he is simple damage.I am also not a great player, I keep messing up 8.4.2 atm its a ronan cheese path and I've…
I;ve heard good about shuri but haven't found her great yet, I've been doing story content since I got her and haven't found a use. Wiccan has bee great but I'm biased as he was my first 7* back at Uncollected (Captain Marvel Movie Magnetron Crystal event pulled 2 7*) Hearing that they've both been good rank 3's is…
prepared to invest in an r3 obv and also 1-3 r3 depending who would be most helpful to have for act 7/8/9 exploration
Amazing work, can't thank you enough, rerunning was good of you, take care
I'm here as a replacement, my in-game name is Esjy, elite bounty Nova pfp