
  • @DNA3000 So we agree. I never said anything about removing parry completely, although I was not precise enough earlier when I said I wanted it removed from AI. Also, getting parried 1/10 of the time you go to punish a special isn't exactly something people can't counter, it's just a seemingly random and frustrating…
  • Node mistakes, missed intercepts, missed parries, etc. Look, I don't want to completely remove the parry mastery from AI, I just think we can do with a few hundred ms more of vulnerability frames after the ai throws a special. You can add it to the player, too, because we don't really ever miss specials anyways. Maybe its…
  • @DNA3000 Then I guess you want a boring game where the only time you should ever go on the attack is when you get a parry. Super fun, glad you enjoy it. But no, I want to change the laws of physics because I don't think you should be punished for slightly mistiming an input.
  • @Demonzfyre The question isn't how, it's why. Kabam can perfectly well keep parry in the game while removing the AI's ability to use it when they're not autoblocking. If you slightly miss a punish window, at the very most you should be blocked.