
  • I am missing the gold ring for the final round that only recently opened up (chapter 3). I completed all milestones for the arena fight where you get these (i have all other rings). Where can i get the gold ring to complete the 10 rings tournament event? Its needed in the last chapter (3)
  • Ingame name: Ewoklive Ipad air 32gb Ipad air 64gb Iphone 5S 16gb (its tiny but playable) iOS 12.5.3 Game version: 31.0 Game version: 31.01 Game exits every 5 mins or so, triggers mainly in fight but has also exited within game menu navigating. I want to play on my apple devices but cannot as the game crashes consistently…
  • Anybody else notice the portal bug where you cannot select one of the portal routes. You have to click on 'chance it' to progress. Clicking the selected node just rezooms into main portal node displaying nodes to choose from-this is on Android 7.0