ExoticStench ★
They will be posted tomorrow on Friday. If you look back to all previous results they post on Friday the week the new content is released. Good luck!
I would assume it could be as early as today or they may wait for middle of week since all the issues they have been dealing with in game. What was your time?
Well the cut off for legends runs was either the 15th or 16th so I’m hoping you did it before then. Otherwise u just wasted a lot of units for nothing. Sorry bud.
Most likely not until the first week when the new monthly arrives. So the wait begins. Good luck.
Yea in short make sure your phone is optimized to run faster( assuming you have a new IOS). Make sure your masteries are set properly. ALWAYS have boost active and make sure you by your energy refills in advance.
I just completed my third and final attempt. These runs are too time consuming. Yet I posted my best time to date by far. 2:51.30. Really hope it’s enough!
I just completed my third and last attempt at run. This time I posted 2:51 minutes. Hope that’s enough.