Finchesto ★
Corvus, all day, every day
I've experienced something similar too, either as a victim or a victim of a circumstance. It's even more painful when you took in 3 of your hard-hitters without the intention of refreshing them from cool off time
Sparky, Corvus, Doctor Voodoo and Korg (just dupes needed) 1. Symbiote Supreme 2. Emma Frost 3. Captain Beardo 4. Killmonger 5. Venom
Magik or Domino. Both get useful for defence awakened
I got the Peter Parker's Wallet for $5 (80 - ZAR) which gave 550 units instead of the traditional 135. Little did I know this was a once of thing, I kept using the units for energy instead of unlocking masteries (parry and dex mostly)
Donate me some!!! lol
The script is great but the plot went wrong. Just as a positive criticism: 1. It's no longer realistic to add incentives of 1*s and 2*s in 2018!!! 3*s are relatively good for new players but who needs a 3* after completing Act4. 4*/5* Signature stones, tier 4 ISO8, tier class catalysts fragments, etc. would be more viable…
You need to be in an alliance that does AQ map 4 or higher. Our alliance is split into 3 battle groups for map 5, 3 and 2. We do about 40-45m a week in total. Push to complete 100% master chapter 1 and possibly 2, gradually you'll get those tier 4 class shards. Selling an overflow of tier 3 class cats gives you some tier 4…
4m minimum
@KRONOSDOUBLE Thanks, no worries
@KRONOSDOUBLE That's true, that's what the post meant. By the way, that offer for 5* Electro, did it have conditions like you have to be Uncollected? Kindly remind me
@issamaf80 Domino? Are you okay mate?
Thanks everyone. Gwenpool and Wolvie did most of the work. Arc overload buff wasn't there :p :p
@KRONOSDOUBLE Thanks for the offer. The owner of my alliance (leader) has had merger offers before but will not let go of his leadership position, specifically in this ally, let alone leave the alliance. So that's the predicament we have, unless you join us, no deal can be made. And seeing that you are higher tier than us…
@humzah217 I don't have Blade
Thanks everyone for the input. I'll do my best
@Akhilxcx Cool thanks for the input. I did look at some couple of videos, it's advised that you bait his sp2 or avoid his sp1
@Akhilxcx lol my bad I didn't know :#
@Akhilxcx Civil Warrior can help with that heal block and power drain but he can't solve that arc overload buff problem that I have
@Amazing_Demon05 That's part of why I r2 my 5* to steal those buffs. So I'll do my best when I go in. Thanks
@Nerds_galore and @Gmonkey thanks
@Nerds_galore I don't have him nor the time/ resources to rank up any other champ
@IsThisLoss I know Wolvie and Gwenpool deal a lot of damage. They can counter that arc overload buff? Mystic champs nullify this
It's back online
Cool marketing mate
It's not even about the payout, the communication is bad. The only thing we were told is that they are working on it and it's not on their priority list. They should at least update us, especially via email in-game