FrozenLogan ★
Yup happening again. They’ll show up on the next timer reset, unless you didn’t finish them last season
Impossible to know for sure unless the alliance is you and 29 alt accounts
There has been no 8.2 release date mentioned, only speculation.
It’s been a long time, but I remember using Corvus for the whole thing.
Not dead, just delayed. Updating code.
No bonus for 6* in the basic arena
Attempt parry, sometimes take a combo to the face
This has been a bug for many seasons now, it shows up in the final scoring
I have heard 1 week - 1 month - permaban. But others say every ban is one week… so I dunno 🤷♂️
I use Kitty more, so she’s who Zi would do and benefits at sig 1. If you use AA more and have sigs to put in, it would swing me in that direction.
Beating low level EQ quickly with Corvus/ghost and a newish iPhone is not the pinnacle of skill either.
Herc + Odin/Galan prefights + Heimdall + boosts + suicides + read nodes + collect revives from store = less units used
There has been no compensation from season 4 and lost elder marks from disconnect/auto loss bug. Let this guide you as you make your own conclusion about season 5.
Why not do a double run using only one of them? Unless you’ve already done the others.
Yes, the rewards have a weekly timer and reset so it needs to be played each week for max rewards. It is not like most SQs that you can run through 4 weeks of quests on the last day and still get everything.
Very true. I’m not concerned about buying out the store, will need to calculate cost of what’s important for me. Not concerned about getting more items to go into overflow or 3*/4* crystals that won’t be used.
It’s well more than 65k. From the milestones alone I count 25k per week so 100k. Then add onto that zone bonus from sectors 1-6.
Additional points, no additional rewards aside from the 500ish gold for completing the zone. If you exit after completing zone 12 you get all of the rewards.
The 15,100 is from your total run, all 6 zones you’ve done.If you checked between zones some of those points were already added to your total.
The badge under your name is the same but you don’t receive the red legend title
Cheese with doc ock.
Just got mine. Note: I did not receive either of the faulty packages yesterday.
Same. They should have wiped all pre-existing cooldowns before the sq started, so as to not penalize the people that actually play this mode. 🤷
Why do I see TB items in the store tho 🧐
Saw in another thread it is players that attempted threat level 3,4 5 with the bugged node.
No boss rush in game but I haven’t checked Trello to see if it’s supposed to be there and is bugged.
You will be short based on progression if you haven’t had access to the threat level 5 solo objectives
You must have missed several days. There are at least l 4 or 5 grace days. The objectives only stack up to 2, so if you weren’t doing them every day you would have missed new ones.
I would think not if normal incursions are on a break this month.