GachaRobin96 ★
What is your discord ID?
Do you use Discord?
Do you have discord?
Do you have discord?
Still looking.
Still looking for 18 people.
If so, then you can join our discord server here.
Hope on our discord server so that we can have a chat.
Perfect. Do you have Discord?
Do you do BGs?
Still looking for 20 people.
We use Discord. However, we also require you to obtain 100k in BGs per season. Let me know if you want that.
Are you requesting a merge?
Looking for 21 more people.
You can join our rebuilding alliance. You would be the 10th member.
You cannot play with the two devices on the same account at the same time.
Hi! We are a rebuilding alliance focused on Battlegrounds. If you're interested, join our discord server: Discord is required
Still looking.
Perfect. Just the person I was looking for. We're a rebuilding alliance with no mandates on AQ or AW and have a BG requirement of 100k+ points. Discord is required though. Here's the link to the server if you're interested.
I forgot to mention in the original post but Discord is required.
From the wording. You should be able to.
Hmm...Discord server link doesn't work.