
  • Cooy thanks. Started reading through the earlier posts but so many so I skipped to the end. Well then, $795 is too rich for my blood. Good where I’m at.
  • @"Kabam Miike" does a player have to buy the max number of each unit package or just 1 of each? Also, the in game message came out a few hours after I bought an Odin package ($99). If I knew the offer was coming out, I would have preferred to buy the other packages (I had already purchased an Odin on Black Friday) to give…
  • The new insanely difficult content coupled with the fact that the content (difficulty plus nodes) nullifies 85% of older champs makes the game. Kind of gives players a “what’s the point feeling.” For example, Act 6, particularly the latter chapters will be unconquerable for probably 60% (maybe more) of players, even with a…
  • Thanks...just seems so long for 1 champ when there are so many out there that need buffing. Anyway it’s good to know as HB is a champ that I love in the MCU and am considering ranking up. Maybe update v28 then...
  • Everyone has to wait that wasn’t the question. In the spirit of transparency updates are not a lot to ask.
  • I totally agree many others need it, but since he’s fairly new, it would be best to rebalance him early. Again, not a major rework, just some rebalancing. I believe Kabam’s intention was to rebalance newer champs that were within 6 months of release, if needed.
  • I have him. His animations are awesome, but he’ll sit on the bench and collect dust until he gets a rebalance. He’s like Sentry when he came out but with less scaling ability. Maybe some use as a war defender if ranked really high.
  • Our ally has been steadily moving up the ally with some nice win streaks. We’ve just recently slowed down around gold 2, just under gold 1. That’s why I haven’t noticed the disparity until very recently.