Tag 448g Gamer tag Green gorilla look us up
Hey man! We’d love to have you in our alliance. We’re super chill. We were silver 3 last season in the war but have won the last couple wars and we're moving up quickly. Gamer tag is Green gorilla and the alliance tag is 448g. Look us up if you’re interested!
We’re looking for 8-10 players (we can make room if needed) to run two or more battlegroups (map 3 and 2 with occasional map 4) looking to move up and moving up very quickly in war ranking. could use help if you’re Interested. Tag is 448g my tag is Green gorilla
Hey! If you’re still looking we could definitely use the help. Tag is 448g and my game tag is Green gorilla. We have not gone higher than map 4 in the AQ stay around map 3 and ranking up in the war but we could really use your help if you’re still available
If you’re still looking check out tag 448g and my tag Green gorilla we’re looking for players!
Alliance tag is 448g my tag is Green gorilla come check us out!
we're all a group of friends that started it. Two of em are not up to par yet and really don’t want to leave them behind and have them get kicked later on. We have a solid 11 players we’d keep and remove the rest if you’re willing to come to our alliance? We’d make most of your alliance members officers if you’re up for it…
If you’re still looking check out our alliance! Game tag 448g my tag is Green gorilla. We’re AQ3 currently and silver 3 AW