Inbox me in game 1st wanderer or on line app 1stwander32 have 6 spots open
My id is 1stwander in ultimate marvel universe ally pm me if ur interested bro
Hot 2 spaces open my id is 1stwanderer in untimate marvel universe ally
Hi we are goin for gold3 or higher in war and starting to run map 5 in aq n have room if ur interested my game id is 1stwander in the ultimate marvel universe ally or line id 1stwander32
We have room for you guys my game id is 1stwander in the ultimate marvel universe ally got a few ppl leaving or my line id is 1stwander32
Hi mate we looking to go gold 3 or higher in war need active members so we can run higher maps in aq lookin at 40mil plus every week We got silver 1 last season in our old ally but fell short of gold 3 due to poor participation se we left and started a new if ur interseted my game id is 1stwanderer in ultimate marvel…
If you guys are decent and active we have 4 spots open now but could make room as we hav 2 atleast we are looking to dismiss my line id is 1stwander32 and game id is 1stwanderer
Hi mate we looking to go gold 3 or higher in war need active members so we can run higher maps in aq lookin at 40mil plus every week We got silver 1 last season in our old ally but fell short of gold 3 due to poor participation se we left and started a new if ur interseted my game id is 1stwanderer in ultimate marvel…
Hi mate we looking to go gold 3 or higher in war need active members so we can run higher maps in aq lookin at 40mil plus every week We got silver 1 last season in our old ally but fell short of gold 3 due to poor participation se we left and started a new if ur interseted my game id is 1stwanderer in ultimate marvel…
We are going for gold 3 or higher bro we got silver 1 last season but got held back by poor participatiors in our old ally so we left and started a new my game id is 1stwanderer
We are going for gold 3 minimum we hit silver 1 last allly but got set back by poor participators so we left and started a new ally if ur intersted we would be happy to have you my id is 1stwanderer in ultimate marvel universe ally
Line id 1stwander32
Will take anyone over 120k my id is 1st wanderer iltimate marvel universe ally 14 spots open
Yeh i agree it isnt easy starting an alliance but i have a few ppl who want to follow plus 3 of us have 9 accounts between us
My new ingame username is 1st wanderer