HBofShots ★
So, still no refund as Raid starts - only a woefully inadequate compensation that falls so far short of being sufficient its laughable. Nice one Kabam, way to engage people with the game.
Still looking for 1 player - space available as soon as BG rewards drop.
Still looking for 1 member - message me, come join us!
Still looking for 1 member - we’re an easy going but successful alliance, no drama’s, good results and rewards!
Still looking for 1 - please message me on Line or in game..
Still looking, please message me on Line or in game… 👍
Looking for one more due to a time waster who joined us last week and then left today…
Any update? @"Kabam Miike"
Yes, i’ve had the same issue on 2 different accounts. Which means i wont get to the r5 rank up gem now. Total waste of time. Far too many bugs in this game lately. It’s becoming a joke.
Looking for one due to a time waster. :#
1 waiting to retire - need 1 spot filled.
Of course it wasn’t on purpose - but for a game that earns them millions in profit you’d think communicating with the playerbase in a timely way, employing tech’s that can troubleshoot and implement fix’s quickly would be a priority - rather than ‘leaving it til near the end’ and sod the players if they don’t then have…
Its not a timer issue. I did all the objectives on 2 accounts as soon as the side quest launched so all were unlocked but only the current week claimable. This week i claimed all the keys on both accounts within minutes of each other. A couple of hours later and 1 account had lost its keys and the SQ was locked, the other…
Same here, can’t get in. Was connection error, now unknown error.
Come on Kabam - how about some commentary on this? Multiple threads running and just a stony silence as usual. Appreciate your ‘bugs’ team must be over run but people have spend cash on this fiasco… tell us whats going on.
Slots still open?
Hey if you have line add me. Would like to talk to see if you want to join my alliance. Here is my info. TEAM X - 75m 12K PRESTIGE, AW GOLD 1, TOP 800 AQ - ACTIVE BUT CHILLED ALLY NEEDS 1 MEMBER Hi, thanks for checking us out! - Looking for 1 recruit to replace 1 member who is retiring after 7 years - ideally prestige over…
We are looking for 1 member to join the team to replace someone who is retiring - please contact Huge-uk on Line app or Huge v2.0 in game.
Sent you a request to join
I never said it was good for business - people are leaving the game because of it. What i said was there is an expectation from kabam for us to compensate the for the heavily bugged gameplay by throwing units and cash at it in lieu of decent sustained compensation from them. You were too quick to come back with a smart ass…
Why would they fix it when they can just get you to buy and spend units on their broken game instead? They insulted us with poor compensation, thats stopped now, so just dig deep into your pockets while you lap up their pathetic excuses. The game is almost dead now. Probably a good thing.
Completely agree with you on this - its just a shame that kabam don’t care about the player base anymore (if they ever did), only the bottom line. They expect us to pay for their mistakes and keep the money rolling in to them. What a joke. No wonder players are leaving in droves. The game is broken, the compensation was a…
Hey, do you still have a space? 10.6k prestige player looking for a good ally. I have Line…
2 still needed, message Huge v2.0 in game or Huge-uk on Line app