HammertronMK26 ★
I have the same problem myself, got 7 stamps and cannot claim the thronebreaker/paragon reward @"Kabam Miike"
This has been happening to me conveniently in AQ and AW for weeks, never happens in arena but miraculously it starts happening in AW several fights in a row, I thought this would have been sorted in patch 15.0 but nothing mentioned about it. Is this a known issue that is being sorted @"Kabam Miike" ??
My question to @"Kabam Miike" is why are they so shocking??
It's just frustrating that's all when I know that with the champs I get it makes the content so much harder to complete, haven't attempted LOL because I haven't got the right champs to try, I just wish there were better odds
Kabam mike I have opened 16 5* crystals and the 2nd one was starlord so ever since I've been not bothering with the featured in the hope of duping starlord, so 14 crystals later and no starlord and tonight i get spider Gwen which is a whole new low for me with 5* openings when other members of the alliance constantly get…
And they even made spider Gwen my profile picture just to rub it in! The only reason i haven't opened a 5* featured is due to trying to dupe starlord so i can finally get on with LOL, I've had 2 dupes in 16 crystals which were spider man and recently storm that I now have at 3/45 but can't take her to 4/55 because I'm…
I just tried duping starlord with the 14th 5* crystal I've had since I got him in April last year and yes I just got spider Gwen and I honestly think I'm nearly ready to quit the game, the offer for £100 of a chance to get s 5* tech gem is ridiculous, after completing everything in game for the last year apart from…