Happystoners ★
Hi, how can I join Red Blades or Acolytes of the Beyond. Contact Line or game ID: happystoners
ID game or Line: happystoners
Any more spot available. I'm LF AQ map6 over and AW optional. Add my line ID: happystoners
Is there any spot available? My line ID: happystoners
Add me line ID: happystoners then I send profile via that
Tell me more about your ally. I prefer map6. Game ID: happystoners
Hi, if you still LF more member, hit me line ID: happystoners and searching in game the same
Line app is happystoner (remember no "s" at the end)
Just sent request game ID happystoners Line app happystoner
Just hit your line app and send request to join your alliance. My game ID: happystoners Line app ID: happystoner (without s)
Hi h.o.o.c.h.i.e, Just got through throne breaker and looking for AW gold 1 with AQ map 6 or 5 of epic or legendary difficulty. Have a look of attachments. I'll send message to your Line, hit my Line ID happystoner
Hi vonblackhawk, Just got through throne breaker and looking for AW gold 1 with AQ map 6 or 5 of epic or legendary difficulty. Have a look of attachments. I'll send message to your Line, hit my Line ID happystoner
Hi Bro just show you this, I am not liar. It's from yesterday
Onky have a look at my fight just finished 3 hours ago
That's is my account
I don't use line. Sorry please send invitation. I join your alliance asap. Let me know which map is hardest, I like to fight in hard level.
Alliance name or your game ID
I don't create line, but if you let me join, you'll see how I am then kick out still not too late
Did you add me to your alliance. I need to fight AQ map5 legendary difficulty. Thanks
Have a look at my team. If you think I can join let me know
Can I join?