Haudraufwienix ★
I hated this specific sig stones! 40 or 70 of them and probably never will get a dup of 1 of 6 champs is disappointing as hell. Why they aren’t generics?
My entire alliance still can't join Raids 🙄
@BettaLucNxtTime your alliance played AQ on day7? I found out why my alliance misses 13.125.000 points because they halved our day bonus (normally 26.250.000). I think the new pointing system went life to early and busted my alliance 😡? @"Kabam Miike"
My alliance misses 13m points in the leaderboard and the support told me that’s right 5 minutes before the end, the points were displayed correctly
In addition we are missing ~8 million points in the current leaderboard
Prestige and honor points do not increase on day 2
Would this extend the current sigil from round 1?
And the whales got the t5cc and are able to choose a class Nexus now... well done...
Same **** today... We have to play tier4 Nodes like biohazard tier3 Multiplier x4,5 tier4
@"Kabam Vydious" IGN: Haudraufwieni-x Alliance name: guardians of the galaxy Tag: 612 Our 3 war of the season was a tier 3 (with nodes like biohazard) lose (5,5x multipler) we were incorrectly given tier 4, a 4,5 multiplier for the war. Please review and correct our missing 144.130 points.
Greyed out