HemiGoHard ★
I know you can ask Facebook for a copy of all data collected. Same should be for Kabam?
Are you still looking for a new alliance? I sent you a add request - IGN and Line Id same as game in forum... Hemigohard
If you are interested My Game and Line ID: Hemigohard
you will be a perfect fit for our alliance,add me HemigoHard is also my game id. We are currently growing in numbers but if you look at our average rating you are perfect...
We currently have a member average rating of 50k but are willing to take in others who are looking to grow. Our Alliance is [GJOdr] The Gray Jedi Order
This is no longer my alliance, I have spread my wings and ventured to a different alliance that aligns with my goals in the game. Just don't know how to delete this post...
beaupoem has spoken a very good point. I am currently an officer in an alliance that averages 1.5+mil when running at full capacity. We want active players who will communicate and join daily. Add me "HemiGoHard" is my name both in line and in game.(line app is not a requirement)
Ravi, I have sent you a message. We are a new alliance that are looking for active players.
I am interested, we can teach you the ropes. Add me Hemigohard
I see you have joined a different alliance from the pictures you have posted. I sent you an alliance invite, would love to have you join our alliance.