Highdrenaline ★
300 units for Two Signature stones or a T5 CC or a Small amount of Shards/Frags isnt worth it. If anything you guys are losing money by the drop rates/rewards being terrible tbh . i normally buy the Banquet crystal bundles every year but the more and more i play this game i realize not to waste money on RNG cause it never…
Pretty dissatisfied but not as much as the omega event lol any RNG event for 75% of community seems to be disappointing
wondering the same thing to be honest
If your not interested in AW , all we play is AQ and BGs and will be going all out in Banquet event coming up my Line is Highdrenaline
I have a spot for you if interested, all we do is AQ and BGs (no minimum) , AW Retired will be going hard in Banquet also. hit me up on Line @Highdrenaline i added you in game also
i added u
You can Join My Squad we have 7 spots available we retired from AW some people left . mainly focused on AQ/Raids and BGs and we always get full milestones in Banquet we have serious whales
im not even mad or upset at this point im extremely disappointed at what’s happening with raids lately. cant have one week without a headache
im getting fed up here im sorry , last year was a blast . this year to much stress involved because devs arent doing test phases or enough test phases when they change things up . but we have to pay for it in the end 🤯
over a hour still down for me
can we please get a update
Would be really nice if we can get some further information on whats going on especially since war season is active, and we have a event going on that is very time critical
Everyone got their rewards …👍if you join back in time before raid week expires your still eligible for them
no thats not my ex leaders name lol
this was my sunday
no she isnt awakened i just pulled her from titan pool recently. thank you all for the heads up . appreciate the help😄
Hey if you want to join a Gold 2 Alliance in AW , we do Map 5-6 on AQ , and get Full Milestones for Every Alliance Event including Battlegrounds. we have Line also . you can add me in Game or Line @Highdrenaline if you are interested