
  • I was wondering why there were so many Valiant players in Bronze. Thanks for the insight. This makes perfect sense. I appreciate you spending the time to respond to me. Unfortunately, I think you guys are still in-part missing my main point. That Kabam has rewards in the BG's store tailored to Account Progression titles,…
  • Yes, this is my second account. My main account is Paragon, going to be running Necropolis initial clear within the next couple of days to get Valiant. I agree with you, my account is not built up enough even for a Cavalier, that is where skill would come into play if I were battling summoners with Cavalier accounts.…
  • l 9 out of the last 10 matches As you can see I got fed up with the matchmaking system and quit out of 2 of them. Here is a screenshot of the average match up. Notice the stark contrast in PI levels
  • Perhaps. But that is some pretty awful RNG. Not to mention all of the Elder Marks wasted away and the time it takes to play these matches. Are you saying as an Uncollected with a similar size roster that you weren't getting matched with Valiant accounts until you reached into the Gold tiers? And if it is RNG, how many…
  • So instead of tuning the matchmaking system, summoners with smaller rosters are just supposed to sit out at least the first half of the season in hopes that the larger accounts will by then proceed to higher tiers? And in effect, lost out on all of the rank up materials offered in the BG's store which can help our accounts…
  • On my main account I usually stop around mid Vibranium tiers. As I am a Paragon player who is closing in on Valiant. I have been playing the game since Infinity War came out, and took a recent 6 month break. I have since been back for the past couple months and have learned how to fight the majority of the newer…
  • Bro, what are you on about? I’m a Cav player on my second account in Bronze 4 and being paired against full ascended 6*/7* rank 2’s and 3’s. It’s not about how far you’ve progressed it’s about Kabam’s lack of matchmaking guidelines. If a Cav player can’t even move up through Bronze then what’s the f-ing point