Hulk808 ★★
Or Serpent
If you keep petting a lion what do you think it’s gonna do to you? Have some common sense guys.
Same 🤡 again. You deserve all the disagrees. 👍🏻
Prowler, She Hulk, Kushala, Photon, Silk and Sinister. That’s who I have as r3s.
Wong doesnt need r3. Soloed every fight that I used Wong and he was r2. Used unduped r2 Vox too. R2 Ham for Tigra.
The 5* relic is good. I have yet to pull a 6* iron fist relic so the 5* is on my Chavez.
Jack. Have Prowler sig 200, Shuri, Red Skull, and Jack at r3. Jack has been my fave out of all of them.
Yep, it’s a free boost. Takes like a second.
Iron fist relic on her
I get to GC every season and stop playing.
A lot of the same people do polls for every single rankup lol
The one that isn’t a 7* yet
Guy that hacked his account is probably a huge Silk fan
Nefaria, Enchantress
Hulk and Chavez
Brought her and Silk to the science sidequest, both r3. She-hulk outshined her. She almost single handedly did the necro run by herself too. Titania who?
Apoc path
She-Hulk r3 and the rest r2. Will r3 Thanos when I get him and will be Necro ready.
Doom, Scorp, Hulkling
Used r2 Chee for Tit R2 Vox for Psycho R2 Ham for Tigra R2 Wong for everyone else
I have both at r3. Prowler at sig 180 and he’s a beast.
I would wait
I dont care how rich you are, spending that much on a mobile game is being bad with your money. He should be on that show, “Intervention.” I wouldn’t be in anyway discouraged on his r4’s. One day we will all have r4’s without spending anything. It’s like that time when everyone spent hundreds for the 6* OG Vision and they…
Or use the glorious guardians gem on medusa then cosmic on scream
Have both at r3. Watch some vids on Scream. Medusa is easier to play and more straight forward.