I0Th0usandF1sts ★
Still looking for 1, willing to lower our prestige requirement down to 22k
Still looking for 1 if interested
We are still looking for 4 players, plz leave a reply or get in contact via the methods in main msg to enquire
We are still looking for 4 players. Plz get in contact if interested or if you want more info
Now require 3 players, 2 US based and 1 Europe based
We are still looking to recruit 1 or 2 ppl before the new season. Plz get in contact with an officer/leader of the alliance
Still looking, please contact if interested
Still looking for 3 suitable members
Hey Oussama, I just checked and no friend request received. Tried to add you but couldn’t find you. Add me in game if need be, same as my discord name
I have access to it now, but 2 of the paths in quest 1 require strikers, and no strikers are available in the beta. What’s going on @"Kabam Miike" @kabam
I 100% agree that the trade in store is unfair. It is basically RNG based as to whether you can obtain a 6* AG crystal. I had way more than enough 4* AG’s to get all the 5* AG crystals and already had 2 5* generics. But after all my effort I could only get 1 more 5* generic AG and now have about 15 4* generics in overflow.…
Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to contact me. I’ve got 2 potential alliances that are best suited to what I’m looking for to choose between and I’m no longer searching for an alliance.
My Line ID is same as ign, just all lower case. 10thousandfists
Still looking for 2 people to join us
We are still looking for for 2 new members to join us. Plz contact on one of the above profiles
We still have spots to fill. Please contact if interested
We are still looking to fill all 3 of these remaining spots. Plz enquire as stated in original post
We have yet to fill any of the 3 spots available. Please contact (as indicated above) to enquire about joining. This week we hit 86mill in AQ peak milestones, little over 10k in AQ prestige. Terese numbers can only improve if the right people join.
We are now currently full and not looking for any more members at this time. Shall post again if any more spots become available.
We are still looking for multiple members to join our alliance, plz contact myself or alliance leader (Moodysaki) on Line app or in game if interested
What is your Line ID/ IGN?
We are still looking to recruit several new members. Plz get in contact to discuss joining
Hey KazuKing, my alliance is looking for several new members, we only have 1 bg that runs map 5 atm but hope to increase this if we can get more capable players in. Plz contact me in game or on Line app to discuss further