IJsmuts ★
Same here, bought 2x via summ market, got 7* shards. Tried via ingame, bought 1 and got the titan shards. I assume ill be compensated without action needed from my side. Thanks!
Yh my ally just started raids, looks ok. I cant join as KABAM DIDNT REFUND MY TICKETS before the raid re started. Great job kabam
We only run one raid map, first come first serve… hope they hurry up as i am gmt+2
I cant believe it, my ally jsut started raids and i cant join because tickets are not refunded yet and i am not going to spent units. What the freak is this kabam???
I can enter the raid map again….
Yh also need tickets back before raids starts again, dont have resources for 180 new ones. And i used 3 revives, would also like to have them back!
Thank you! But full rewards is only 258 of those red tickets?
Lol i got the second key, went in the othet quest (epic) where i did 1st run yesterday and now the progression is gone?! How do i clear those 3 paths?
I recorded the screen but cant post it here
Same here
When searching for mate game crashed when someone was found. Now i cant get in, no problem with other game modes. See other threads here about same problem.
Same here
Never. Almost quit the game when i pulled him for the 3rd time
Take a look at this screenshot...., it hurts so much as i only have 6 6* champs 😭
Thanks for your reply. Yes, as in locked with a lock and fights didnt count. But restarted the game and its ok now!
Doing it now but first tier is locked, how do we unlock it, justed wasted 20 fights @"Kabam Miike" Edit, unlocked now
What are your AW goals for next season?
You miss the point. Kabam said low energy cost, this aint low. Kabam'd again.
That is cool! He must be an absolute beast!
Ghost, than Aegon
Used a generic on aegon and took him to r5. Need sig stones now as i had only 20 left as i only got my elders bane a monrh ago and Used class gems on KM, Hype, CAIW and magik they are all r4 and +100sig
AA. He melts everything if it can bleed and be poisoned
Yes, only thing Kabam needs to do now is buff those crystals and return all spent shards
Maybe it has to do with the ingame mail about master/epic difficultie. The other difficulties are open
Good luck!
Ill vote for IP and hope the make him th3 most badass defender in the game.
Domino + rulk or AA. Heavy, heavy sp3. No sweat
I have done all the bounty missions on all levels 3 times a day and i have never experienced problems. Im have the same thoughts about the current state of the game as most players, but this event was a good one with a lot of goos rewards. So kuddos to Kabam for this one
Than KM it is!
If you are going to r3 them both and have mutant t4cc in the overflow i would r3 iceman first IF it wont take months to r3 KM. Only looking at the champ i would r3 KM first