
  • Hi there, I didn’t received my Anniversary rewards, in my Alliance all the members got them. They said it’s a glitch coz i only got Anniversary Title and i restarted this game and since then i got Anniversary Title reward like 4 times but no Anniversary rewards wth is going on!! I have been playing this game for over 6…
  • Hi there in my Alliance everyone got the rewards except me. Some said it might be the glitch but after half an hour i got a new text which says Anniversary title which i already obtained few hours ago but no rewards. Can you help me out!!
  • Hi there in my Alliance everyone got the rewards except me. Some said it might be the glitch but after half an hour i got a new text which says Anniversary title which i already obtained few hours ago but no rewards. Can you help me out!!
  • Hi there in my Alliance everyone got the rewards except me. Some said it might be the glitch but after half an hour i got a new text which says Anniversary title which i already obtained few hours ago but no rewards. Can you help me out!!
  • Same it happened to me as well mate!!
  • Damn!! This mean we will not gonna get Anniversary rewards now. Kabam will send a lengthy press conference text and in the end they will send we can’t do anything as we have to send the rewards again to everyone.
  • Hi there in my Alliance everyone got the rewards except me. Some said it might be the glitch but after half an hour i got a new text which says Anniversary title which i already obtained few hours ago but no rewards. Can you help me out!!