Icarosacro ★
No, you can't buy the T4B twice. I'm not speculating, that's what happend. I'm just asking, because Kabam send an ingame messege saying that we could reverse some purshase before the store close... where can i send that information, who i tell? @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Miike"
@kabam Following a tutorial i mess up the buying for the Summer Canteen, recently a message told that we could inform that so it can be reversal. I spend to get the awakening gem, i really hope that it can be done. I can send the tutorial and everything, because i really want it. Where can i send that info? I'm a little…
Yes. I did the same following a guide from a member of the community... big mistake. Would there be any way to tell Kabam so i can fix that? @"Kabam Miike"