Thanks man
@SummonerNR The game was updated on its own. I 'ALWAYS' update it hours after the events of the previous month are over, mainly because the updates 'ALWAYS' come with problems at the beginning and Kabam show up 'ALWAYS' with a random 'emergency maintenance' to solve those updates issues.
@Colonaut123 The time of events is set 'EQUAL' for all players at the beginning. If some have less time than others, due to problems of the game the fault is not of the players. Each of the players schedules their time to play and this is established at the beginning. It is not fair that others have less at the end. It…
@"Kabam Lyra" Kabam could reopen temporarily X-MEN: XENOCLAST LOVE IN A BATTLEREALM 3 Captain Marvels Combat Clash? For those players who were affected for more than 10 hours (and many still can't play/logging/sing in), due to the problems that the game presented in the last long hours, so they can complete with 100% the…
Device: Samsung S8, Google Pixel 2xl or Samsung S8+ Device Operating System: Android 7.1 Cellular or WiFi: WiFi Game Version Installed: Supposedly 22.0.0
So I'm going to lose the prizes of completing 100% uncollected level of X-MEN: XENOCLAST because of this problem @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Wolf" @Kabam Porthos???
I am having problems for Login/Sing in. The game shows the new background image with Nick Fury and Capitan Marvel BUT, but it does not enter the game. I NEED TO FINISH X-MEN: XENOCLAST Uncollected level YET PLEASEEEEEEEEE.