Thanks @zero7 !!
@KoperBoy you are correct with fights against 5*s as I know that bs challenger rating comes into play but I mean in the basic arena where you don't even fight 5*s Iv noticed I just can't proc bleeds that much at all and often only get one stack after a couple of 5 hit combos
I nabbed GP at 7.1 million!, pretty good for me regarding the highest I've ever scored was 3.5 mill for Phoenix
We are a 6.9 mill alliance atm we have spots for all your guys! we run mostly m5 atm, add me in game: Imortltechnique if you gentlemen are interested!
It would be abused too hard bud.
I don't even have carnage as a 4 or 5* yet I think he needs an overhaul!!, carnage should have one of the highest crit and bleed rates in the game, have you seen him in comics!!!??? he is insane and ruthless!, give him atleast a huge increase to the up time of his bleeds and buff the overall bleed damage please