We are in a Gold 2 alliance looking to add a few before next season
LINE app name Ironlady 2.0
We are looking for about 6 players to join map 5 aq. Gold 3 aw last season. Had a few guys retire, but we were gold 2 the season before. Alliance with chill, but active dudes from all over the world.
Rebuilding active but chill alliance, Gold 2 map 5 if interested. Msg in game or line @ironlady 2.0
Any interest in bringing your top 10 guy to merge with us? We were gold 2 aw last season and 4400 glory power week aq (map5). Alliance rebuild after losing 1 whole bg. Chill dudes but active. Message me if interested. In game ironlady 2.0
Looking to add 1 "whole" bg