JMAN337 ★
Hit me up on line app: crashmcoc
We are a 300 million + AQ Gold 2 AW add me on line if interested jman337
Yeah loyalty store
spot is filled
Spot is filled.
This is a **** show. We should have scored 18,900 honor since we missed day 1. Instead we get rewards 2 ranks lower and really day 5 is not even finished because the extra points have not been added and we haven't gotten our daily rewards for finishing. This is becoming a joke. I will be keeping my $$ in my pocket. No more…
@Worknprogress you are totally right. For the upper tier alliances the modifiers are in no way optional. Thankfully the nodes are not that bad. We ran them all week no issues.
We run Group 1 map 6 - Groups 2 and 3 map 5 Day 1 - couldn't pick modifiers Day 2 - Group 1, map 6 - hurt locker - 1.8 million Group 2, map 5 - dismay - 1.2 million Group 3, map 5 - special delivery - 800k Day 3 - all groups ran Bane modifier - 2.7 million, 1.8 million, 1.2 million Day 4 - Group 1 - special delivery - 2.7…
We have the same issue. We were not able to select modifiers for day 1. So on day 2 (we are running map 6,5,5 and all master modifiers, a unique one every day) we got Day 2 (first day of modifiers) group 1 = 1.8 million group 2 - 1.2 million and group 3 - 800K Day 3 = group 1 = 2.7 million, group 2 = 1.8 million group 3 =…
Started AQ and could not activate AQ modifiers. I have spoken to other alliances and they were able to activate theirs. Another issue that is screwed from the start.
Agreed. I have a screenshot from my buddy's alliance showing me that they were able to activate it. We too are a map 6 alliance and the scores and rewards earned will not be competitive to the alliances that were. At this point I am so fed up with EVERY time they try and bring something new into the game it does not work.
Sorry to burst your bubble. But other alliances are able to, and have enabled the Modifiers. I am the leader of my alliance and I am in contact with other alliance leaders so I know that they have been able to access them.
- alliance going suffer and not score what we could have because of this and will probably drop in ranking and honor.
It would have been nice to get our AW rewards before the start of AQ. I have a guy that is retiring and I want the new guy in. I can't do any of that until AW rewards come through and especially if AQ starts a day early.
Now I am fighting the Diablo boss...I die and then come back I have full health and his health is down to where it was.
@"Kabam Miike" I am in. The fight problem is still not fixed. I am fighting the new Daily Quest and first three fights were good. Now I am at Venom on Epic and I have had to fight him 3 times with no movement.
The 5* version from the 1st crystal. (Uncollected) I have an AG, 75 gems, and the resources to r5 her
I have the same issue. I can not accept dungeon invites. If I do the screen freezes and I have to reset. It has been happening so long I just tell my partner I'll just invited them.
I bought a single crystal on a whim and got CMM!! Ahh yeah.
Spot is filled
Updated to the 24.2.2 update today and now all of the screens are choppy and I will be in game about 10-15 minutes before the entire game just crashes. Even tried restarting my phone. Android user.
Spot is filled
Just got the notification on my phone. It is a go!
It is like magic. Now you see it..."poof" its gone. They made some announcement over a year ago that they couldnt work it out and got rid of it.
Thanks, just double checking
Blade, Starky, She-Hulk, Venom, Capt IW are my base team for most paths. Venom is great on the 5.4 rage paths because his sp1 removes the furies. But like was said, it really depends on the path you are taking.
They haven't even changed her yet....just saying.