It depends on what you’re looking for, but we have a few spots open, and may be able to make more. We are Recruiting 6500+ Prestige Semi-Retired Players, No Mins/Donations, Line Req. Map 3 AQ and Two Dedicated Tier 4 AW BGs for Season 5, Gold 1. Hit me up if that interests your crew. In Game: JMANCREW Line: jmancrew
No rewards for our alliance. 7 hrs and 38 minutes after AQ is over...
Still no rank rewards for my entire alliance from AQ
No SA rewards for our entire alliance at this point.
I wish they’d post the cut off time for the last player. I finished at 3:54 and was hopeful. To hear about 3:30 times not making it is troubling.
Dear Kabam, We are having a crisis of sorts at the upper mid level to high level stage of the game experience. Mostly, it is a shortage of a very basic resource needed throughout all stages of the game experience. We are starving for more of your Tier 1 Alpha Catalysts. Please grant us access to more T1 Alpha Catalysts…
I totally agree. We need some help here Kabam. I’m literally standing still for a week or more at a time between rank ups fir any of my 5* champs. Taking a 5* from rank 1 to rank 2 is now a giant decision, and really shouldn’t be that difficult. I have Gold, ISO, T4 Basic Cats, and a lot of Class Cats..... I just don’t…
3hrs 54 min here. First try at a Legends run.