
  • I think I did agree in my above message that I am wrong and I have closed this case .
  • Well in that case I will just play the game like I used to play earlier rather than fighting with other players cause that got me no benefit . I guess in the meantime I got a good break
  • I can give you account names which do more, it's fine I understand my mistake but then also be fair in banning . But how does me writing 800 messages in 3 days signify as use of inappropriate language,I just wanna know that but otherwise leave it there is no point , I will just play after a month now and keep my mouth shut…
  • And there is know way that in the asain global server out off all the people abusing only I have been banned . I can give you 10 account names that spam rn , the only reason I think I got banned is due to mass report cause in the Asian global it ain't just a global it's a stage for where people just fight about their…
  • Ok so I assume that I send those 820 messages but I got banned for inappropriate language not for yapping in the global like everyone else . Plus you guys ban Everyone but no modders or spammers and this has been since the game launched but thanks for replying, atleast kabam is helpful in some way.
  • Yeah but I only use the discord to read the updates and announcements and that's it.