Jammin5988 ★
Its whatever man, I just wont spend anymore that's all. Rather save my pennies or spend them elsewhere where I actually get what I pay for. I'll stick to saving up the free units, just kinda sad, I like spending on gaming, but every time I spend on this game specifically end up regretting it.
Thanks for literally proving my point 🤗 I didnt even have to wait that long 😂 Enjoy your day 🙂
Anyways I got my answer, its intentional. Hopefully one of the mods might read this and pass it along to make the change I suggested for how small it is and how much frustration it would save. And hurray for you lot who are so smart and jump on peoples posts trying to argue because you know everything, God bless you, heres…
That's as far as it goes, I tried that already
You see reasons like this is why I dont come to the forum to ask stuff, people just wanna argue and start **** 🙂
I specifically said in one of my last messages I am partly to blame, and so is my alliance, you're the one blindly arguing against half what I say, and ignoring the other half. I'm not saying i didnt get it, I'm sure it most likely got delivered to my account. There was no info in the alliance event other than "you cannot…
I felt I had enough evidence to be sure, I'm not a stupid individual, if all the evidence points in one direction when do you stop looking for evidence? If any of it had been conflicting the next step would of been the forum, but when you consult your own knowledge, and your alliance, and it all points to the same answer,…
Yeah that one that I likely didnt get because I hadnt picked the game back up yet, that one... All I know is I didnt see it and I do generally read all mail. If I had seen it, we wouldnt be having this conversation. I joined this alliance 1 week before gifting started and I saw no emails stating anything about not being…
@ItsDamien so people should just stay in alliances they're unhappy with for a whole nother war season? That's your solution? I didnt switch, I just picked the game back up recently and didnt know about the 2 week thing, but it's just resulted in the same issues people who have moved alliance during off season have…
Based on strong evidence yes, plus I was told in our alliance discord that the points would count. I specifically asked when I saw the thing saying you cant claim rewards until 6 days. If I had any reason to believe otherwise I'd of waited and checked, I've been caught by nonsense like this plenty of times in plenty of…
that's exactly what i said, in order to stop cheating and fraud, there are others who will be negatively affected by it if they don't pay attention It's not about paying attention, I mean yes for me in particular it would have helped if I'd of seen the post. But delaying peoples Christmas rewards til after Christmas…
Because the message that accompanies the event in the event tab is the exact same message that appears in AQ when you join an alliance, but you can still join AQ, and contribute points, even while rewards are being withheld. It states that you wont be able to claim rewards until you have been in the alliance for so long,…
I'm all for stopping cheats I'm all for stopping cheating and fraud, but looking at it realistically, all the cheating that went on last year was at the top end, it doesnt affect alliances like mine or players like me anyways, but this does. Those alliances were always gonna part of the top 1-5% regardless, not like it…
I thought I had read all the info when I read this bud
I just want to add aswell, I'm not implying it was intended by Kabam, I just think it's an unforeseen side effect that has arisen from trying to fix a problem. But I guarantee you those who have been 'side-effected' are feeling pretty disgruntled right about now, I know I am and the others in my alliance are feeling the…
And this is the best they could come up with? I get the reason they did it. But the most ridiculous thing is this happened during war off season, where people typically tend to change alliances, so while they might of caught few cheaters, 90% of the people being caught up by this rule will be just average players like me,…
If that's how it is then fine, like I say I'm not happy about it, and I think I justifiably feel cheated. Had I of known I'd of waited, I specifically asked in my alliance discord and everyone I spoke to said they would count. Hence why we have so many people now with 0 points in the alliance event, now all there is is a…
Cant expect every player to follow forum posts man
And this is the first time I've been on the forum since I picked the game back up, you cant expect everyone to look at the forums man. I've played this game for 4+ years on and off and I've never had this issue before. If it were just me being dumb there wouldnt be a bunch of other people in the group of alliances I'm in…
This is the only one I saw, and there was no mention of any 14 day period where my points wouldnt count
I've basically been penalised for picking the game back up again from where I'm sat, there was no warning on this that I saw, abd nothing stated on the event tab its self. And when it says nothing, like I said, I dont think it's an unfair assumption to make that points scored while in an alliance will go to the alliance…
There was no warning saying points wouldnt be counted, I know coz I've spent a week looking at it 😅 all it said was basically I wont get rewards until the timer was up, nothing about points not being added
If that's the case they could at least put that in the game, I've spent close to an odins worth of units on gifting, most of them paid for
Also means now I've spent all the units I purchased, I have no way to actually get any of alliance milestone rewards either, ngl it's hard to not feel a bit cheated, I purchased units specifically for this event. I feel like this should be explicitly stated if it's a thing, something like "YOUR POINTS WILL NOT BE ADDED TO…
It has only happened once to me on my galaxy s7. But I might aswell of only had 2 champs in this AQ, bit out of order really
Cool, just gonna get ignored again. Thanks for nothing kabam, yet again
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Loto" @"Kabam Iko" @"Kabam Spice"
Give me my health back!!!