JayProngs ★
I was really surprised to see no one was talking about it. I feel the same way. Too much grinding for too less markers.
You can do it with team corvus, medusa sym supreme and heimdall. If you know how to max attack of the thing then you can use him or x23 isn't bad choice. About corvus try to get most persistent charges. I hope you get starkey. He is (in my thought) best for collector.
Yes I am still in the same alliance from then. Till now. Also I logged in for a while in between time but I did not see rewards then also.
Revives and wallet
I would say magik coz she's applicable in 95%fights except for DOTs. But only thing about her is that she doesn't deal as much damage as you expect from a God Tier. You can kill everyone but it'll take some time.
No. It's due to node aggression fury.
I wanted to vote aegon. Just mistakenly did starkey.
And I can play with quake like 6/10.
Or we can ignore him :wink:
Happened with me too. When I was fighting with magik. She dashed to opponent after sp3. Fortunately I parried opponent before using sp3. Device : Redmi Note 3 android MM
All the champs mentioned above like bw, cb, quake, Imiw, omega, Electra are good. If you don't have any of the above champs break path into two. Second part is easy with blade GR synergy. First part have gulk, iceman juggy. Use above champs if you don't have use insane regen Champs also if you don't have that last option…
Oh sorry I thought it was rankup that's why I voted starkey. But awakening all the way Voodoo. Go for Voodoo
He's unblockable for null mode at first. So don't block. If unresponsive champ is ur problem. Try pausing game for 5 to 10 sec at start of fight when champs running to each other.
Darkhawk with enhanced lag, problem with data connection and MUID language node. Destruction..
Yeah. Hope so.
I also checked my Internet. But it was working fine. Still it's giving me that banner.
I would say don't use now. Magik and Glaive are still beast. Save up for blade sl or other champs.
Heal block or heal reversal will do. If your problem is with stunning then you can us OG thor. Masochism eats armr brk but leaves parry alone. High damage champs will also help alot.
Why aegon needs md?! Fighting with champion with magik or other nullifying champs will boost power... That's where md is good. But I would say at least 3.
I would recommend Gp starkey aa(4* duped) km and hawkeye. Hawkeye will drain his power till he get sp1. Hit him like 5-2-5-then sp1 with hawkeye. And to be safe 700 units would be good with your inventory items. All the best.
For uncollected Aa : only for path clearance. Not pretty good with collector Quake, Nc, sw, hyperion : Nc will mostly help for Evading. Keep playing suicidal with hype. Honestly Rol is pretty useless. You play fights for some cats and 3 monkey Champs
Nope and lol. My condolences
Sp1:hyperion. That incernation with furies kills everyone Sp2:starkey. Bam bam bam. Sp3 :magik and gp. Buff nullifying sp3 is awesome. Gp does big armour break.
The Martha one dialogue in week 1 was hilarious 😂😂
Maybe you are at full health. Or under heal block. No such issue with me.
Archangel. I had awakening gem but I chose archy over wolvie. Wolvie was good but not anymore. Go with archy destroy magik and others
Parry is one of the essential mastery which will help you alot with stun able champs. So go with it. Learn how to parry. You'll never regret
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious" This glitch makes to loose focus. Please see and fix this.
Thor with two armour break and fury. Also it stun opponent for long long time.