Jedi_Knight1 ★
Perfect, thanks for that
I noticed this too, ‘random’ 😂
When the trial is over and all our excess items go back into the stash do they go back to thier original expiry date? I am worried some of my t4cc might disappear? It only had a few days left on some of it
This was in sinister Labs, the other buff was something simple like nothing to do with healing
Is this seriously only being noticed by kabam now? This has been happening for as long as i can remember, i think most people just presumed it was the way it is
Hi mate, have to still got a spot? Do you use line? I have been playing for years but currently using a second account after loosing the login details for my original.
Ah man i was just about to get a final dungeon run in. Wont be getting that crystal this time round then 😩
No i don't think it should be easier, and that is coming from someone who has never earned a champion in Arenas. I do however think the milestone rewards are awful and could do with some 3-4* shards throwing in there, they have been phc shards for years. Very outdated
Cheers, i might bench her until i get the dupe and give her another go at some point
Yeah i get the utility side of her is good, phasing and shrugging off debuffs is great but I just feel as an everydayer its all a lot of effort, i find sparky much easier, i would choose him or even starlord over ghost. All the faffing around with phasing just just gets me knocked out
Just opened my first one, 100,000 gold... i already have 3 million. I dont normally kick off about updated but this one is ridiculous. I will not be continuing with the infinity stone quests.
I gave the whole infinity stone thing a run, its a complete waste of time apart from the crystal shards you get from completion from the actual quest. I wont do anymore i shouldn't think
No i didn’t even get the chance, i claimed the rank up to rank 2 and then there were no more prompts after that
He has the infinity stone active on him so i’m sure its the correct one
But that doesn’t make any sense, its not asking me to to claim anything at all, it hasn’t even registered the next step, there are no rewards un claimed
Yeah safe to say i won’t be upgrading my avengers just to get shards for these crystals, the rewards really aren't worth using the resources for
Yeah thats not currently an option for me, i may have to just keep him in reserve
True that, hopefully will be added eventually
Give me Wolverine, only OG champion i really want
I hate both the existing thors, OG used to be amazing now he’s meh. And new thor is some wierd gremliny thing. Give us stormbreaker Thor
Hi mate we currently looking, look us up RoNiN Tag MK LI
Am i the only one?
Mods any ideas?
Sorry original post was meant to say Gold 3 and Silver 1 Got my 1’s and 3’s muddled So we finished season 7 at Silver 3 The alliance page says silver 1 and the war page says Gold 3 for this season
Silver 3 so it is a bit strange
You are a star, thank you
Might he a dumb question but where do you see how much intel you have earned?
Search ‘duplicated’ But it means when you pull a champion for the second time, it will have silver stars instead of gold. This also unlocks thier signature ability
Yeah the arena event rewards came in and it crashed straight away