@Artic_Towery found you on the game sent a friend request let’s talk!
I’m interested do you have line? Or what’s your in game username?
Haha do you happen to speak English bro?
Hey man If your active in aq and help us push. Then all is good let’s talk bro my line Is is Jensen8993.
Hit me up on line we can talk things out I’d: Jensen8993
Message me on line we can talk username is Jensen8993
If your still looking message me on line and we can talk bro. Id: Jensen8993
If your still looking message me on line username: Jensen8993. We can talk about things.
Still looking? If so add me on line username is :Jensen8993
Hey That Groot Groot Were a laid back active alliance that is rebuilding. Had some bumps but looking to get back into the game. If you need a home we would love to give you that place! If we ever get to active or competitive you can let us know! If you want to talk about it more please message me on line app. And we can…